The ACLU of Massachusetts Technology for Liberty Project works to ensure that new technology strengthens rather than compromises the right to free expression, association, and privacy. It also works to protect these core liberties against intrusive corporate and government practices that rely on new technology to undermine basic rights.
Thanks to generous backing from local technology industry leaders Joshua Boger and Paul Sagan, the ACLU of Massachusetts launched the Technology for Liberty Project—and the related Justice for All Project—in 2013. The Technology for Liberty Project focuses on ensuring government transparency and effective warrant requirements for government location tracking, surveillance, data-mining, and eavesdropping, as well as reining in the deployment of military weapons and surveillance technology, including drones, by local city and town police departments.
For more, also read the ACLU of Massachusetts' dedicated privacy and technology website, Privacy Matters: privacysos.org/blog.
Photo: Paul Sagan (left) and Joshua Boger (right), who in 2013 made leading investments in the Technology for Liberty & Justice for All Initiative, with ACLU of Massachusetts executive director Carol Rose