In November, Bay Staters voted overwhelmingly in favor of legalizing marijuana for adults. The new law is now being implemented, but some opponents in the legislature continue to resist the change. Whitney Taylor, political director for the ACLU of Massachusetts, spoke with WickedLocal about respecting the voters' decision and ensuring the law is successfully implemented.

"The important task in front of us is implementing the will of the voters and creating safe, legal access to marijuana by adults," said Whitney A. Taylor, political director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts. "We must ensure that elected officials who opposed Question 4 do not use their influence to dismantle, hinder or reject what the voters demanded on Election Day. The ACLU of Massachusetts is dedicated to ensuring the will of the voters is implemented and that we do not allow political biases to interfere with the job entrusted to elected officials.”


To read the full article, click here. Click here for a full explanation of what is (and isn't) legal now that marijuana legalization has gone into effect.